Why working with a relationship coach is better than dating alone

Have you been thinking about hiring a coach but not sure if it would help you? 

What happens when you hire me as your dating & relationship coach?

💘 You have access to someone who has done a lot of dating - and coached a lot of people who are dating - and knows all the pitfalls to avoid. I'll point out the common mistakes you are making and how to get out of dating despair faster. 

💘 You will learn how to take control of your dating life, rather than it controlling you. You'll be the one choosing potential partners instead of waiting for them to choose you. 

💘 You'll learn how to embrace all of your feelings, and not be afraid of things like ‘rejection.' 

💘 You'll learn how to speak up for what you want, and how to talk to your partner or potential partner about things you want to be different, and I'll help you find a path to get there. 

💘 You'll figure out you don't have to feel lonely in - or out - of a relationship. 

💘 You'll get clarity on what (and who!) you are looking for so you can spend more time calling in the right people and less time wasting energy on the wrong ones. 

💘 You'll learn how to let go of the relationships that are no longer serving you. 

💘 When you get better at your dating relationships - you get better at ALL of your relationships! (Especially the one with yourself!). 

Do you need help getting out of dating frustration and into relationship satisfaction? Schedule a call with me today and let me show you how coaching can get you on the right path for a lifetime of better relationships. 

I love this work, and I'd love to work with you!

Paige Dempsey

I am a feminist life and relationship coach for women.


What do you do when you can’t stop thinking about someone after a breakup?


My ‘Single plus’ approach to dating