Have you diversified your dating portfolio?

As any financial advisor will tell you - you need to have a diversified financial portfolio as you invest for the future. 💰

The same is true with dating! If you are looking to grow into a mutually beneficial relationship with someone and only using dating apps (and then getting frustrated that they are not 'performing' well) your dating life might be suffering.

What should you do instead? 


Go to events with other singles. Join activities just for the sake of doing something you enjoy. Take a book and eat at the bar. Tell your friends and coworkers you are open to meeting new people for dating. Talk to people next to you at the coffee shop. 

If you are interested in finding quality people to date, you first just have to meet quality people. And there are lot of places to do that besides dating apps. Go find some! 

Are you ready to diversify your dating portfolio and take control of your romantic future? Just like a savvy investor, it's time to invest in yourself as you focus your dating efforts. Schedule a call with me today, and let's strategize how you can expand your dating horizons and find quality connections beyond the confines of dating apps. Together, we'll create a personalized plan to maximize your dating potential and set you up for success in the modern dating landscape.

Your love life is an investment worth nurturing – let's make it thrive! 💼🌟

Schedule your free call with me today!

Paige Dempsey

I am a feminist life and relationship coach for women.


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