Why you should try Very Slow Dating

I'm trying something new and want to invite you to try it too. I'm calling it: Very Slow Dating. 

What is it?! 
Exactly what the name says. Slowing everything way down. Not rushing in. Not getting overly excited about anyone too quickly. NOT jumping into sex and intimacy (on purpose). This is the approach I have been subtly and not so subtly preaching about for a while. 

What does it look like? 
For me, it has looked this: 

  • Spacing out dates so I don't get carried away with someone too quickly. (Being a full-time single parent has helped in this regard.) I can't go out with someone on a Friday night and then hang out with them again all day on Saturday - nor would I want to in the early stages of dating anymore. It's natural to want to spend lots of time with someone you just met and really like. However, in my experience, relationships that start fast and hard burn out even faster and harder. I am purposely planning out dates that are short and spread out so that I can get to know this new person I've been talking to. So far, it's been a great approach and leaves me (and the guy I have been seeing) wanting much, much more! 

  • Not responding to all text messages immediately. Instead, I text a little bit back and forth and then get back to my other work and whatever else is going on in my life. I really enjoy the person I have been connecting with recently. But I also don't want to overdo it - for him or for me. We can get addicted to the dopamine hit of those early conversations. So, I'm slowing down on purpose and not making texting someone I just met my full-time job. 

  • Not kissing on the first date (or second, or third!). I actually just had my first kiss on a fourth date!! On purpose! The more I think about dating, the more I really want to get to know someone intimately on a personal level before I know them intimately on a sexual level. I get it, sex is great! But I enjoy it so much more when I share myself in that way with someone I know and am comfortable with. I don't know someone I only met two weeks ago - and neither do you. There's no rush. This slow roll over time has been a great way to build excitement and attraction. Trust me!😉

My mission is to help women be less anxious and more confident in their dating and relationships. 

If you want that ^ JOIN ME for my ten-week How to Date Better intimate small group coaching course. I will teach you all the ways I have worked on taking my dating anxiety from a 10 to a 2, and my confidence from a 2 to a 10! Learn more here.

If you're ready to start Dating Better today, you can sign up here to start 1:1 coaching with me or to reserve your spot in my Small Group. Spaces are limited! 

Paige Dempsey

I am a feminist life and relationship coach for women.


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