Should you hire a matchmaker?

Lately, I've noticed a lot of talk and questions about hiring a matchmaker, so I wanted to share my thoughts on this. 

On one side, it can save you some of the initial hassle of sorting through potential dates. And if they're good at what they do, they might set you up with more compatible matches.  

Sounds good, right? 

But should we trust their judgment more than our own? 

Some clients I've worked with assumed matchmakers would find them higher-quality matches. But while they might meet more higher-earning prospects, some of these men still acted like teenagers - sending casual texts, flaking on plans, you name it.

It's important not to hand over all your dating decisions to a matchmaker. They might pass on someone you would find interesting. And they don't know how you or your potential mate will show up in the intimate moments relationships require. 

Hiring a matchmaker is just one way to meet new people. They make introductions. 

But you are the one who knows what kind of connection feels right for you. You're the one who can decide if the person in front of you is offering what you're looking for. 

That's not a matchmaker's job. 

That's your job.


Ready to take charge of your dating life? Let's chat about finding your perfect match!

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I can't wait to help empower you in your dating and relationship life!

Paige Dempsey

I am a feminist life and relationship coach for women.

Don’t skip ‘dating’ on the way to a relationship